
Soni-Aralynn, Soni-Aralynn-Facebook, Soni-Aralynn-Cosplay, Soni-Aralynn-blog, Cosplay-Blog


  A few hours ago I had an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and support. My Facebook page just rolled over 399,999 to 400,000. It almost brought me to tears. Honestly, I really didn't think I would get this far, but I did dream it. That is what is important. Thank you so much for following me, sharing, supporting me on this wild and crazy journey. 

  I want this to be an open letter to people who feel they just aren't good enough to live up to their own passions. I want you to know that I have been there. There are days that are just hard. You look yourself in the mirror and you ask yourself, "Why am I still trying?" You hit the wall where you feel that every path is just a block, but you know you have so much more to give. Let me tell you, BREAK THROUGH. DO NOT give up. You might have established that there are people out there that are more successful or better at what you do, but you have to stop comparing yourself. Be inspired. KEEP GOING. They can NEVER be you and that needs to become the most refreshing thought you will ever have. You are one of a kind. 

  If you feel like you cannot break through, do what you have to climb the wall. Talk it out. Chat with a supportive friend, send me a message, go to these comments for support, whatever you need.. do it. You deserve your dream.  Do whatever you love, for that is what you are designed to do.

  I would not have come as far as this if I didn't keep breaking through, finding a way. It has not been easy, but these have been the most rewarding moments of my life. I have so much more to give and SO DO YOU. 

  Thank you for celebrating this milestone with me. Cheers to the next one!

Keep being awesome, 
Soni x


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  1. Your words are very touching. They have made me very emotional. Last year things were very scary and uncertain. Positive awesome people like you are very much appreciated.

    1. Thank you so much. I hope 2016 is being much better for you!
