The Art Adventure!

Hey everyone!

Today I just wanted to make a super quick blog post for you all!

I’m so blessed to have such loyal supporters and such talented supporters as well!

I receive quite a lot of messages from the artists amongst you with pictures of me that they’ve drawn and I really want to show my appreciation by featuring the pictures in some blog posts so that you can all see them too!

I have a few already but I wanted to make a quick post to say that if you have any supporter art that you’d like to send me to feature on my blog then you can send it in a message on Facebook or by email to, include a link to your website or artist page and I’ll include that with the post too!

I really do appreciate the support you guys give me and I want to give some support back by showcasing your work!

I hope that you all have a great week,

Stay Awesome

xo Soni


If you’d like to help me out with my costumes and get more involved in my world, you should check my patreon out!

Thank you so much for all of your love and support!

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  1. I suffer from perfectionism where I have to have my drawings just right. So it takes forever. You can see some of my artwork on my Instagram. Just scroll all the way to the bottom. Hope to see you in Houston sometime soon.

    Yours truly,
